Install features on demand offline on Windows Server and Windows 10
This also works with the Insider Preview version.
- Download FoD ISO (I use my.visualstudio.com. I used the most recent version.
- Install using dism.
To perform the installation from the FOD ISO you must first mount the ISO. Then use the /source: option to the dism command. Note, the /source: option must be after the /add-capability option.
If ISO is mounted on F: the commands below would install the DNS and Active Directory RSAT tools.
PS C:\Users\larntz> Dism.exe /online /add-capability /source:F: /capabilityname:Rsat.dns.tools~~~~
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.19013.1
Image Version: 10.0.19013.1
The operation completed successfully.
PS C:\Users\larntz> Dism.exe /online /add-capability /source:F: /capabilityname:Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.19013.1
Image Version: 10.0.19013.1
The operation completed successfully.