Tagged security

Changing NTFS Security Permissions using PowerShell - March 17, 2019
Changing NTFS permissions with powershell saves a lot of time when you need to make changes to a large group of files or when it is required as part of a larger automation project. This article should help you understand everything you need to know to manipulate security permissions with PowerShell.
Tags [ PowerShell ] [ Windows ] [ Security ] [ NTFS ]

SSL for Websites - November 18, 2016
The goals of SSL/HTTPS are to provide a secure channel of communication. You should be able to trust that the SSL certificate you receive was actually issued to the website you are visiting and that it is non-trivial for a third party to read the data passing between the client and server.
Tags [ ssl ] [ https ] [ http/2 ] [ security ] [ certificates ] [ Let's Encrypt ] [ Networking ]