The Linux TOP Command - January 30, 2017
The Linux TOP command provides valuable monitoring and troubleshooting information. However, there is a lot of information in a very condensed format and it can be tricky to sort through what is important and what isn't. Click to learn more about TOP.
Tags [ Linux ] [ TOP ] [ Linux TOP ] [ Linux Monitoring ] [ Linux Troubleshooting ]

QuickPost: What version of Ubuntu am I running? - January 21, 2017
Want to verify which version of Ubuntu you're running from the command line? There are a few ways, but the best way is the lsb_release command. Click the link to see how.
Tags [ Linux ] [ Ubuntu ] [ QuickPost ]

DNS: How it Works - January 11, 2017
DNS is a critical service that everyone uses every time they surf the web. Many people don't understand how it works; especially when migrating a website or service to a new host. Click to read a quick overview of how DNS works.
Tags [ DNS ] [ DNS Lookup ] [ Domain Name Service ] [ dig ] [ nslookup ] [ Networking ]

NGINX, ALPN and HTTP/2 on CentOS7 - December 14, 2016
By now we've all heard about the fancy new lightning fast HTTP/2 protocol, right? Fortunately, the latest versions of NGINX support HTTP/2. Unfortunately, most distributions are still stuck on OpenSSL < 1.0.2
Tags [ NGINX ] [ HTTP/2 ] [ OpenSSL ] [ Use the Source ] [ CentOS7 ] [ Chrome ]

Install certbot on Amazon Linux - December 13, 2016
There is no packaged version of certbot for Amazon Linux so we have to download and set it up manually. Running it the first time will install all dependencies and should then work to create and renew certificates. Unfortunately, the first run on Amazon Linux gives us and error instead of a working certbot. :(
Tags [ AWS ] [ EC2 ] [ SSL ] [ Let's Encrypt ] [ certbot ]