Automatically Load Custom PowerShell Functions - April 23, 2019
Want to automatically load your custom PowerShell functions when you open PowerShell? Using this system you can easily, and automatically, load your functions.
Tags [ PowerShell ] [ Functions ] [ Scripting ] [ Profile ]

Outlook 2016's Funky Portrait Orientation - March 28, 2019
Outlook has a portrait orientation that causes emails to be opened with a single click, and it is a severe (ok, minor, but still) annoyance when using the window snap feature on a desktop.
Tags [ Outlook ] [ Windows ] [ Snap ] [ Tiling Window Manager ]

TP Link TL-WN725N USB WiFi Configuration in Linux - March 25, 2019
Learn how to setup the TL-WN725N USB wireless adapter in Linux from the command line. These instructions use wpa_supplicant and Arch Linux.
Tags [ linux ] [ wireless ] [ tl-wn725n ] [ command line ] [ cli ]

Changing NTFS Security Permissions using PowerShell - March 17, 2019
Changing NTFS permissions with powershell saves a lot of time when you need to make changes to a large group of files or when it is required as part of a larger automation project. This article should help you understand everything you need to know to manipulate security permissions with PowerShell.
Tags [ PowerShell ] [ Windows ] [ Security ] [ NTFS ]

Troubleshoot Active Directory Account Lockouts - November 26, 2018
When a user account is repeatedly locked out how do you find the cause? What server are the attempts coming from and why? In this post I will explain how to find the source of failed logon attempts and provide a checklist of solutions.
Tags [ Windows ] [ Active Directory ] [ Account Lockout ] [ Credential Manager ] [ SYSTEM Context ]