Getting Started With The STM32 Nucleo-F302R8 and Rust

May 14, 2020

This blog post offers a beginner-friendly walkthrough for using Rust with the STM32 Nucleo-F302R8 development board. It covers setting up the development environment, including configuring Rust with the proper target and tools like OpenOCD and GDB, and provides practical steps for building, debugging, and flashing programs onto the board. With example projects and links to resources like the Embedded Rust Book, it serves as a helpful introduction to embedded programming in Rust for newcomers.


Direct Link to VM in the vCenter HTML5 interface.

November 20, 2019

Create a direct link to a virtual machine in the vCenter HTML5 interface.


Dotnet core and data protection encryption

November 20, 2019

Explore using ASP.NET data protection encryption in a console application. These extensions also work cross platform, but not all options are available on Linux.


List AD group members when the group contains foreign security principals

November 20, 2019

This post describes how to get an Active Directory group's members when some of those members are foreign security principals -- in a different domain. Unfortunately, the standard Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet will fail under these circumstances. Fortunately, we can work around that with a little PowerShell magic.


How to do an offline install of remote server administration tools (RSAT) on Windows Server and Windows 10

November 20, 2019

This short post demonstrates how to install windows capabilities using the features on demand ISO and dism.exe. Using this method you can install individual RSAT management tools and other available windows capabilities.


Powercli Script to Unmount and Detach Datastores

May 14, 2019

A PowerShell/PowerCLI script to unmount and detach groups of datastores in VMware vCenter.


Automatically Load Custom PowerShell Functions

April 23, 2019

Want to automatically load your custom PowerShell functions when you open PowerShell? Using this system you can easily, and automatically, load your functions.


Outlook 2016's Funky Portrait Orientation

March 28, 2019

Outlook has a portrait orientation that causes emails to be opened with a single click, and it is a severe (ok, minor, but still) annoyance when using the window snap feature on a desktop.


TP Link TL-WN725N USB WiFi Configuration in Linux

March 25, 2019

Learn how to setup the TL-WN725N USB wireless adapter in Linux from the command line. These instructions use wpa_supplicant and Arch Linux.


Changing NTFS Security Permissions using PowerShell

March 17, 2019

Changing NTFS permissions with powershell saves a lot of time when you need to make changes to a large group of files or when it is required as part of a larger automation project. This article should help you understand everything you need to know to manipulate security permissions with PowerShell.
