Decrypting Laravel Encrypted Data - July 24, 2023
Laravel has a built in encrypter that uses openssl. This post investigates how to work with data encrypted using Laravel using openssl directly.
Tags [ code ] [ laravel ] [ php ] [ openssl ] [ encryption ] [ bash ]

Kubernetes Shell Exec All Containers - January 27, 2022
Running a command in all pods
Tags [ k8s ] [ kubernetes ] [ pod ] [ shell ]

Using traefik for ingress on a kind cluster - December 17, 2021
How to install traefik in a local kind cluster.
Tags [ k8s ] [ kind ] [ traefik ] [ ingress ] [ kubernetes ]

Rust Password Hashing with Argon2id and the Sodiumoxide Crate - May 20, 2020
This post aims to provide examples of secure password hashing and provide a simple overview of the process including what is and isn't required for security.
Tags [ rust ] [ sodiumoxide ] [ password ] [ hashing ] [ libsodium ]

Getting Started With The STM32 Nucleo-F302R8 and Rust - May 14, 2020
Rust Programming & ST Nucleo-F302R8 STM32 Nucleo-F302R8 development board with STM32F302R8 MCU Introduction I’m new to rust and new to embedded programming. I wanted to document my experience getting started. This started when I bought an Arduino kit to do some projects with my family while we’re stuck inside avoiding the pandemic. If you notice any incorrect information or ways to improve what I’ve done here I would greatly appreciate the feedback!
Tags [ rust ] [ embedded ] [ beginner ] [ stm32 ] [ arm ] [ nucleo-64 ] [ nucleo-f302r8 ]