Raspberry Pi Image Mount - December 28, 2023
Documentation on how to mount an OS image for and add an ssh private key.
Tags [ linux ] [ disk ] [ image ] [ fdisk ] [ rpi4 ] [ rpi ] [ raspberrypi ] [ debian ]

TP Link TL-WN725N USB WiFi Configuration in Linux - March 25, 2019
Learn how to setup the TL-WN725N USB wireless adapter in Linux from the command line. These instructions use wpa_supplicant and Arch Linux.
Tags [ linux ] [ wireless ] [ tl-wn725n ] [ command line ] [ cli ]

5 Steps to Extend a Linux LVM Volume - December 7, 2017
This post details how to extend a Linux LVM volume without requiring a reboot. This works from the command line in both CentOS7 and Ubuntu
Tags [ linux ] [ lvm ] [ storage ] [ command line ] [ fdisk ] [ cli ] [ disk ]

HowTo: Self Hosted WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04LTS - March 17, 2017
Here we're going to look at setting up WordPress on your own server, or a cloud VPS, running Ubuntu 16.04LTS. There are *free* options for hosting your own site that are better than paying for a cheap host. Read more to find out how...
Tags [ WordPress ] [ Linux ] [ Hosting ] [ Install ] [ HowTo ] [ Ubuntu ] [ LEMP ]

The Linux TOP Command - January 30, 2017
The Linux TOP command provides valuable monitoring and troubleshooting information. However, there is a lot of information in a very condensed format and it can be tricky to sort through what is important and what isn't. Click to learn more about TOP.
Tags [ Linux ] [ TOP ] [ Linux TOP ] [ Linux Monitoring ] [ Linux Troubleshooting ]