Running Ollama models on a Radeon RX 5500
January 23, 2025
How I setup Fedora 41 to run Ollama using an unsupported Radeon RX 5500.
Linux Desktop Entry and Icons
December 14, 2024
If you manually install applications on a Linux desktop you may have to create a desktop entry file so your desktop environment knows about the application and how to launch it. Desktop entries have an `icon` setting that is used to tell the desktop environment what icon to display for the application. However, you may find that just setting `icon=icon.svg` may not be enough to ensure the application's icon is desplayed correctly. This post explains an issue I had getting the icon setup correctly when using the wezterm appimage on my laptop.
Terraform: Optional Nested Dynamic Blocks
January 19, 2024
Recently, I was creating a terraform module that creates an S3 bucket. An S3 bucket can only have one aws_s3_bucket_policy, and the module needed to include a default policy to force TLS v1.2. I also needed to be able to pass additional policy statements to the module which may or may not include a condition. Unfortunately, there is not an obvious way to include the condition only when it is part of the policy. This post shows how you can include a nested dynamic condition block when the block exists, and exclude it if it doesn't.
Raspberry Pi Image Mount
December 28, 2023
Documentation on how to mount an OS image for and add an ssh public key.
Vault CLI Authentication using OIDC
November 27, 2023
In this post I explore how to login to Hashicorp Vault using OIDC. I wanted to be able to automate some interactions with Vault that the official vault cli does not easily support. To do so I needed to be able to run the equivalent of `vault login -method=oidc`. This post is the result of that.
Load Balancing Algorithms
August 24, 2023
Exploring the power of two random choices load balancing algorithm.
EKS Addon Configuration via Terraform
August 17, 2023
This is a quick overview of how to pass custom configuration values to EKS managed addons using Terraform.
Decrypting Laravel Encrypted Data
July 24, 2023
Laravel has a built in encrypter that uses openssl. This post investigates how to work with data encrypted using Laravel using openssl directly.
Kubernetes Shell Exec All Containers
January 27, 2022
Running a command in all pods
Using traefik for ingress on a kind cluster
December 17, 2021
How to install traefik in a local kind cluster.